Signor Lodging

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  • SignorLodgingWebSite650x400
  • SignorLodgingPortal650x400

Signor Lodging is in the “man camp” business, building and maintaining living accommodations for roughnecks close to the gas- and oil-fields in which they work. Signor was looking for a way to allow clients like Halliburton, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes to book rooms for their employees and then look after them and pay for their meals during their stay. Working with frequent collaborator David J. LeVant, Inc., we:

Created an admin web site to allow Signor staff to sign up, manage and report on customers.

Created a customer portal web site to allow Signor customers to reserve rooms for their employees and run hotel-style reports (Check-In Report, In-House Guest Report, etc.).

Designed and developed an HTML5 mobile app that allows guests to check in, check out and obtain meals by scanning QR codes that are placed throughout the camp. Guests can also comment on and rate their dining experience and accommodations via the app, all of which is routed to the appropriate employer and Signor staff.

Created Cordova versions of the app for Android and iOS mobile devices.

Created a suite of web services and a database to support the mobile app and web sites.

Created a marketing web site to introduce clients to Signor and their services.

Customer-facing booking portal

Marketing web site

Apple iTunes mobile app

Google Play mobile app

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